Top 5 things to bring along your kayak fishing trip in Singapore
One of the best things about kayak fishing, and fishing in general, is that it is fully customizable and your experience is in part dependent on how you choose to enhance it! Here are 5 things you can bring along for your next kayak fishing adventure to make your trip much more enjoyable and fun!
- Frozen Water and Fruits: Nothing beats a refreshing ice cold bottle of water under the hot sun. This is especially so in the months to come (May to July) where the sun can be baking hot. For those who need a sugar rush in a healthy way - Fruits are a healthier source of energy for you and also provide the refreshing kick to keep you awake. Keep all these well stored in an ice box so you can bring'em out whenever you need :) My top fruits to bring on my offshore kayak fishing adventures include: Watermelon, Mango, Apples, Banana (only if you ignore that taboo that banana ruins your fishing), Pineapple. Why frozen water? So it can last longer under the heat and also helps to keep your other refreshments cool - dual purpose so to speak! Frozen isotonic drinks like PRIME, 100 Plus and H2O are also great options.
- Video Recording Device/Gopro: Since you have already invested the time and money to rent out a kayak/go on a tour - why not make the most of it by recording every single moment (the good, the strange and the funny) on your own Gopro? Be sure to bring extra batteries and ensure that all equipment (non waterproof) are well protected from water exposure. Do NOT trust that the hatch will be completely water-sealed - if you need to, place it all in a waterproof dry bag and then stow it at the back or in the hatch.
- Swimwear/Towel: Is it all about kayaking, or can you swim as well? Definitely there will be chances for you to disembark at sheltered waters or jump off the kayak in sheltered bays to have a cooling and refreshing swim with your buddies! However do check with the guide first whether there are Jellyfish/stingrays in the waters and always wear a pair of water shoes for safety before doing so. A dry towel (kept in your waterbag) will help you to rinse/dry off once you're done :)
- Portable Speakers: What's better than kayak fishing? Kayak fishing while grooving along to your favourite tunes! Sometimes the wait for fish can be mundane or monotonous, sometimes you gotta up the tempo whilst paddling from one location to another. Do get waterproof speakers if possible so you do not have to worry about equipment damage!
- Light Snacks: Whilst it is perfectly fine to bring an entire lunch/bento set, I would highly recommend not eating too much on your kayak fishing adventure. Small snacks, multiple times along the way is definitely the way to go! My top snacks to bring along include: Granola Bars, Salads, Sandwiches, Sushi, Onigiri, Potato Chips (*Cheatcode: Eat with wooden chopsticks to avoid getting your hands dirty), Nuts, Wraps, Cookies.